Monday, August 12, 2013

Elf King

Would you believe you can't clip images from Google images to polyvore? How stupid is that?

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Lexi 2

Planet Torque

This is sort of how I envision Planet Torque. Blue is water, brown is trees, grey-blue is swamp (where Nick, Brad, and the girls landed,) big curves are mountains, smaller ones are hills. Weirdly shaped thing with an almost-house and puddle is Klaus's crescent shaped hill. Green things by the stream are bamboo forest (will be explained shortly.)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


Name: Matthew Luke Donvon (Yes. It is a plagiarism. Make me care.)
Age: 20
Model: Zach Roerig
Personality: Sulky, quiet, intelligent, brooding
Bio: Born on a dark, moonless, stormy night, Mattie was always a bit of a wild one. But with loving, close, good parents, he channeled his wildness into productive uses. Until.
He was ten when there was a car wreck, killing both his parents. He went to live with his drunkard uncle, who beat him. One day Matt fought back, and accidentally killed the man. It was found to be self-defense but the record is still there.
Likes: Nothing XD
Dislikes: Almost everything, women, men, girls, boys, smokes, drinks, drugs, parties, crime, being alone, being with other people, feeling happy (he feels as though he betrays his parents' memory whenever he feels happy)
Fears: Being forever alone, stuck with someone he hates, losing his temper
Secrets: Killed a man, was framed for domestic violence by his ex and her boyfriend and did time for it, still has nightmares about the wreck that killed his parents, grows extremely violent when angry, wants to be an EMS so he can help people who are in wrecks - he doesn't want anyone going through what he did
Tags: {+3}

I'm going to assume that you want to have fun for your vacation right? Well, it's too bad I'll be there every step of the way to ruin all of your fun! Watch out all of you liars, you never know when I'll strike.

Hit the Lights

You know lights will smash if you hit them, right? Anyway...

 Name: Clara Star Walken
Age: 19
Model: Claire Holt
Personality: Bright, bubbly, sneaky, mischievous, reservedly friendly (this oxymoron will be explained below)
Bio: Abuse, lies, manipulativeness, terror. Clara's whole life can be summed up in these words. The child of r.ape, her mother sold her into child prostitution. Clara was having none of it and ran away. She had two years of happiness, living with her school principal's family, until he died of cancer. She left the family, not wanting to be a burden, and moved in with a homeless teenage gang who ran downtown. They weren't a particularly bad lot, they didn't perpetrate violent crime, but alot of them were druggies, smokers, or drinkers. Clara inadvertently became addicted to cigarettes while here from all the residual smoke.
Upon turning seventeen, she moved out, getting a job as a nanny. However when her employers found she smoked she was fired, and attached herself to the group of kids going to Australia. Naturally fun-loving and laid-back, Clara will be friendly with anyone, and if you earn her true friendship there's no one better. She'll listen to sad, disjointed tales and tears for hours on end and still be sympathetic, but she hates passionately talking about her past.
Likes: Children, fruit, clean parties, being understood, being safe
Dislikes: Cigarettes, people who take advantage of her, being homeless, being alone, talking about herself, strong drink, drugs
Fears: men, sleazy women, rejection (again[!])
Secrets: Smokes, (she tries to hide it,) is naturally very timid, has managed to keep her virginity through her whole life, cherishes it above any worldly possession

I'm going to assume that you want to have fun for your vacation right? Well, it's too bad I'll be there every step of the way to ruin all of your fun! Watch out all of you liars, you never know when I'll strike.